The Prevalence of Subclinical Hypothyroidism and its effect after bariatric surgery: A Review
Radheshyam Gupta 1, Sachin Bhagat 1, Jiangfan Zhu *1, Parash Shrestha 2
1 Department of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery, Shanghai East Hospital, Affiliated to Tongji University School of Medicine, Pudong Shanghai, China.
2 Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Fushu Hospital, Affiliated to Jinzhou Medical University, Liaoning, China.
One major cause of morbidity and mortality is obesity in this 21st Century obesity. Evidence has shown that obesity is related to comorbidities as subclinical hypothyroidism, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, polycystic ovarian syndrome, hyperlipidemia sleep apnea and coronary heart disease. Although the exact mechanism is unclear, the recent studies have shown the relation between obesity and metabolic disorders. It is seen that weight loss after surgery improves the metabolic disorders which were seen in morbidly obese patients. Other associated comorbidities like secondary angiopathy significantly improved after bariatric surgery. A significantly decreased Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Thyroid stimulating Hormones [TSH] and Glucose and glycated hemoglobin level were also seen in such patients. The bariatric surgery may have additional benefits including the long-term stable change in TSH level caused by weight reduction in all patients and deserve further study. In this review; we have focused on bariatric surgery as effective treatment modalities for subclinical Hypothyroidism. We have also including lifestyle changes such as diet modification, exercise regimens and medical therapy as usual regimen in the management of morbidly obese patients.
Keywords: Bariatric surgery, subclinical hypothyroidism, cardiovascular risk, metabolic syndrome, autoimmune diseases.
Received January 02, 2017 Revised February 19, 2017 Accepted February 28, 2017
*Correspondence: Jiangfan Zhu Email: Contact: +8613818060386