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ISSN 2311-3219 - An International Triannual Journal
DNA vaccines as sustainable Coccidiosis control strategies in chickens
Muhammad Ali A Shah*
Department of Pathobiology, PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Coccidiosis, still one of the most widely reported diseases of the world within the poultry industry from economic point of view. The control is highly dependent on use of coccidiostates and some extent on live vaccines. But their negative impacts like drug residues, drug resistance, extreme production cost, poor results, high mortality and morbidity have restricted their application. DNA vaccines with advantages of their stability, costly effectiveness and the non-requirement of cold chain have proved their worth. Immunity against Eimeria depends mainly on the cellular arm of the immune response including CD4+ and CD8+ T cells which is sufficiently provided by DNA vaccines. In the review, different aspects of DNA vaccines against Coccidiosis in chickens are summarized.
Keywords: Chicken, Coccidiosis, DNA, vaccine.
Received June 05, 2013; Revised August 12, 2013; Accepted September 04, 2013
*Corresponding author: Muhammad Ali A Shah; Email:
Veterinary / Animal Sciences | Review article
2013 | Volume 1 | Issue 1