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ISSN 2311-3219 - An International Triannual Journal
2020 | Volume 8 | Issue 2
Agricultural / Plant Sciences  |  Research article  |
Effect of Drip and Furrow Irrigation on Yield, Water Productivity and Economics of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Grown under Semiarid Conditions

Malik Muhammad Akram, Muhammad Asif*, Sarmed Rasheed, Muhammad Asim Rafique

Directorate General Agriculture (Water Management), Punjab Agriculture House, 21-Davis Road, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

Irrigation management is key to obtain profitable growth in areas of water scarcity. Thus, the interest in highly efficient irrigation systems to irrigate row crops is growing. In this study, water-use efficiency, yield and economic feasibility of potato crop grown under drip and furrow irrigation systems were compared on the farmer's field under semi-arid conditions. Data showed better plant growth, more tubers per plant and improvement in the crop yield under drip irrigation system compared to furrow irrigation system. The final yield of 51.8 tons/ha with the net profit of 2912 $/ha and benefit-cost ratio of 2.66 was achieved with drip irrigation compared to the final yield of 32.6 tons/ha, net profit of 1432 $/ha and benefit-cost ratio of 1.29 with furrow irrigation. In addition, drip irrigation exhibited significantly higher irrigation water use efficiency (16.3 kg/m³) and water use efficiency (14.1 kg/m³) and lower evapotranspiration (374 mm) compared to furrow irrigation. Conclusively, the drip irrigation system proved to be more beneficial with respect to water saving, tuber yield and net farmer's income. The effective use of water through high-efficiency irrigation systems will go a long way in reducing wastage of scarce irrigation water resources thus addressing the national water crisis in the future.
A R T I C L E  I N F O

January 17, 2020
March 20, 2020
March 21, 2020
April 25, 2020

*Corresponding Author
Muhammad Asif

Drip irrigation
Economic feasibility
Potato yield
Water use efficiency